Breaking Generational Curses

There are times when the physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges that a family experiences in the present are connected to the sinful choices and habits of their ancestors in the past. This is what we refer to as a generational curse. While we are not held responsible for all the sins of our ancestors, we must recognize that we can be influenced by their sins, or even inherit a propensity to certain sins because of their past actions.

Thankfully, Jesus Christ is the one who redeems us from the curse (Galatians 3:13-14), and can break the effect of any ancestral sins that may be influencing us today. This prayer will help you apply the redemptive power of Jesus to your family lines. As you pray, make sure to include or give special attention to anything that is specific to your family line.


Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you on behalf of my family and my ancestors and repent for of any and all sins we have committed against you. I recognize patterns in me and my family that destroy your purposes. Today, I am choosing to declare the power of your shed blood, demonstrated at the cross, over all of them. I renounce and repent of any sexual sins: sins of fornication, adultery, abortion, rape, and lust. I renounce and repent of sinful tendencies of laziness, lying, jealousy, weaknesses, anger, rage, bitterness, hatred, and racism. I pray against sins of addictions towards drugs of any kind.

In Jesus’ name, I renounce and repent of any activities with false religions, witchcraft, occultism, astrology, gangs, fortune telling, palmistry, or any organization or practice that violates your standard of holiness. I renounce and repent of all judgmentalism, pride, criticism, depression, worry, stubbornness, poverty, rejection, and perfectionism. I claim authority over all physical diseases and sicknesses that plague me including cancer, heart disease, arthritis, mental illness, and diabetes. I also renounce and repent of any evil covenants my ancestors ever made.

I now ask that the blood of Jesus cleanse all the generations of my family, past, present, and future generations. In the name of Jesus, I declare that any and every claim of the evil one against my family has to be broken now. I thank you Jesus that you appeared to destroy the devil’s work (1 John 3:8), and I declare that truth over my life, my family, and my ancestors all the way back to Adam.

Father, I ask you in the name of Jesus to remove all iniquities in my family and replace them with blessing. I ask for your protection around my life, my family and all future generations of my family. Thank you for setting me free Jesus! Amen!