Prayer for Forgiveness

Scripture is clear that God commands us to forgive others as He has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32). Though forgiveness is often a process, we must start by choosing to release those that have hurt us, and by letting go of our bitterness and resentment. This prayer has two parts: (1) A prayer for examination that allows God to search us and point out those we need to forgive that we may not be aware of. (2) A prayer for forgiveness that will walk you through forgiving the person(s) God has put on your heart. 

Even if you already know who you need to forgive, still try the prayer of examination to see if God shows you anyone else. Come back to this prayer and walk through forgiveness with the same person as many times as you need to.


Prayer of Examination: Father God, in your presence today, I declare before you and all of heaven that I have forgiven, from my heart, every person who has hurt me or sinned against me. If this is not true, please show me now. [wait here silently for a short time to see if God shows you anyone. If so, move on to the prayer of forgiveness]

Prayer of Forgiveness: Lord Jesus, from my heart today, I choose to forgive [name] for: [specifically list all the things for which you are forgiving this person] In Jesus name, I place all of their sin and offenses against me under the blood of Christ. I now renounce the evil effects these sins have had on my life and any agreements I have made with them, or lies I have believed because of them. I ask You now to forgive me for my resentment and bitterness against [name]. I now surrender [name] to You and ask You to bless [him/her], in Jesus name.