Welcome to the myNorthwoods portal!

Your online connecting point with Northwoods Church

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Find events, groups, and volunteer opportunities or view your personal information.


Our online giving tools will help you set up recurring gifts or make a one-time donation. 


Why myNorthwoods?

Creating your myNorthwoods account will help you manage your church activities.


Need help?

Contact our support team with questions about your myNorthwoods account.

More about giving

All we have has been entrusted to us from God. He is the owner, and we are the managers. As we give generously to his work, we experience freedom, provision, and joy.


Tithes & Offerings

Your generous financial support of Northwoods ministries extends your worship of the One who first provides all that we have.


Above & Beyond

As you are led by God beyond your regular commitment, give to special funds designated to support specific projects and initiatives.


Mission Trips

Provide support for individuals on short-term missions trips with various Northwoods partner ministries around the world.


Legacy & Asset Gifts

To donate gifts of stocks, bonds, or other assets, or to discuss any sort of beneficiary designation such as life insurance or trust proceeds, start here.

As a convenience to donors, Northwoods Church accepts gifts made using credit cards. We strongly encourage everyone to take great care with their finances and to use credit cards responsibly as a financial tool. Northwoods does not approve of the use of credit cards in a manner that incurs debt, and we believe the best way to avoid credit card debt is to pay off the balance each month. If you cannot do this, we recommend that you do not use a credit card for your donation.